Welcome to Eduphantom! This page provides the answer for the NYT Mini Crossword puzzle, dated November 9, 2024, for the clue “One of two “excellent” adventurers of film”. Clue: One of two “excellent” adventurers of filmAnswer: TED Need help with other NYT Mini Crossword Clues Solutions? About This Clue The solution provided is ideal to insert into the NYT Mini Crossword which is a small part of a daily puzzle engaging your word and logic abilities. Such clues can relate to something known or simply take you on a flight of fancy! Bow to the numbers of the letters and…
Author: Adnan Rafique
Such a great idea for a daily challenge, the crossword puzzles! Whether you are having difficulties with some clue or just making sure your answers are correct you can find all one needs for today’s NYT Mini Crossword below. Today’s Clues and Solutions Every day answers for the game here: NYT Mini Crossword Answers Today Extra Puzzle Tips Stuck on a Crossword? Try These Quick Tips! Fun Fact Corner: Did You Know? Here put some juicy facts about the clues that are interesting to know. For example: Puzzle Theme Spotlight Not every puzzle has an obvious theme (for example, all…
If you find yourself stuck during your NY Times Mini Crossword game, here are the answers you’ve been looking for! On this website we gather the answers for this entertaining game so you could solve it easily each day. Enjoy solving! January 2025 Answers: December 2024 Answers: November 2024 Answers: NY Times Games Collection The New York Times currently provides The Mini, The Crossword, Tiles, Letter-Boxed, Spelling Bee, Sudoku, and Vertex games for puzzles solvers. New puzzles is for each day! Subscribing is common for such games with the exception of the “The Mini.” At this stage, the examples include…
Welcome to Eduphantom! Here you will find all the answers from all the clues for the most recent NYT Mini Crossword puzzles, featured in The New York Times. Here are the answers to the most recent clues provided below. NY Times Crossword Clues Please note: Solutions to newly posted puzzles are provided here just after the puzzles are set and within a time difference of roughly 10 minutes. November 13, 2024: November 12, 2024: November 11, 2024: November 10, 2024: November 9, 2024: November 8, 2024: Still can’t find other NYT Mini Crossword Clues? Look for answers to previous dates…
Welcome to Eduphantom! This page provides the answer for the NYT Mini Crossword puzzle, dated November 8, 2024, for the clue “Boringly dull”. Clue: Boringly dullAnswer: BLAH Need help with other NYT Mini Crossword Clues Solutions? About This Clue The solution provided is ideal to insert into the NYT Mini Crossword which is a small part of a daily puzzle engaging your word and logic abilities. Such clues can relate to something known or simply take you on a flight of fancy! Bow to the numbers of the letters and the intersecting clues that will perfectly fit into the required…
Welcome to Eduphantom! This page provides the answer for the NYT Mini Crossword puzzle, dated November 8, 2024, for the clue “Take a moment to think”. Clue: Take a moment to thinkAnswer: PAUSE Need help with other NYT Mini Crossword Clues Solutions? About This Clue The solution provided is ideal to insert into the NYT Mini Crossword which is a small part of a daily puzzle engaging your word and logic abilities. Such clues can relate to something known or simply take you on a flight of fancy! Bow to the numbers of the letters and the intersecting clues that…
Welcome to Eduphantom! This page provides the answer for the NYT Mini Crossword puzzle, dated November 8, 2024, for the clue “Herb that gives flavor to black jellybeans”. Clue: Herb that gives flavor to black jellybeansAnswer: ANISE Need help with other NYT Mini Crossword Clues Solutions? About This Clue The solution provided is ideal to insert into the NYT Mini Crossword which is a small part of a daily puzzle engaging your word and logic abilities. Such clues can relate to something known or simply take you on a flight of fancy! Bow to the numbers of the letters and…
Welcome to Eduphantom! This page provides the answer for the NYT Mini Crossword puzzle, dated November 8, 2024, for the clue “Conducted, As a campaign”. Clue: Conducted, As a campaignAnswer: WAGED Need help with other NYT Mini Crossword Clues Solutions? About This Clue The solution provided is ideal to insert into the NYT Mini Crossword which is a small part of a daily puzzle engaging your word and logic abilities. Such clues can relate to something known or simply take you on a flight of fancy! Bow to the numbers of the letters and the intersecting clues that will perfectly…
Welcome to Eduphantom! This page provides the answer for the NYT Mini Crossword puzzle, dated November 8, 2024, for the clue “Narrow shape of a cat’s pupil”. Clue: Narrow shape of a cat’s pupilAnswer: SLIT Need help with other NYT Mini Crossword Clues Solutions? About This Clue The solution provided is ideal to insert into the NYT Mini Crossword which is a small part of a daily puzzle engaging your word and logic abilities. Such clues can relate to something known or simply take you on a flight of fancy! Bow to the numbers of the letters and the intersecting…
Welcome to Eduphantom! This page provides the answer for the NYT Mini Crossword puzzle, dated November 8, 2024, for the clue November 8, 2024, for the clue “Boringly dull”. Clue: Boringly dullAnswer: BANAL Need help with other NYT Mini Crossword Clues Solutions? About This Clue The solution provided is ideal to insert into the NYT Mini Crossword which is a small part of a daily puzzle engaging your word and logic abilities. Such clues can relate to something known or simply take you on a flight of fancy! Bow to the numbers of the letters and the intersecting clues that…