Welcome to Eduphantom! This page provides the answer for the NYT Mini Crossword puzzle, dated November 24, 2024, for the clue ““Got it!,” on a walkie-talkie“.
Clue: “Got it!,” on a walkie-talkie
Answer: ROGER
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About This Clue
The solution provided is ideal to insert into the NYT Mini Crossword which is a small part of a daily puzzle engaging your word and logic abilities. Such clues can relate to something known or simply take you on a flight of fancy! Bow to the numbers of the letters and the intersecting clues that will perfectly fit into the required place. Completing crosswords is all about learning, a pinch of thinking out of the box, and the joy of an epiphany moment!
Happy puzzling!
The content on this page was written in response to the puzzle question that the NYT Crossword page posed. For more details about solutions, ads, tips and sponsorship, all NYT Crosswords copyrights are of The New York Times Company.